The D.O.R Blog

Sofia Latif’s tips for supporting a healthy scalp

In the final part of our ‘Hair Heroes for Healthy Hair’ series for August, we’re sharing this great piece from Sofia Latif talking all about how to maintain a health scalp and her own scalp oil… enjoy!

When it comes to taking care of what’s on our head, it’s fair to say that our hair gets most of the limelight – but what about our scalp? A healthy scalp is essential for the growth of healthy hair and, just like the rest of our skin, it deserves its own skin care routine.

Eating a nutrient-rich diet is one way of making sure you’re giving your scalp the nourishment it needs, but there’s plenty you can do from the outside too. Oils and essential oils, derived from plants, are a key way of supporting your scalp so that it’s the ideal foundation for the growth of healthy hair.

Healthy scalp. Healthy hair.

A healthy scalp is the foundation of healthy hair, so it’s important to treat our scalp with the same care as the skin anywhere else on our body. In fact, our skin can be a great guide to helping you to figure out exactly what kind of scalp care you need – if you have oily skin, chances are your scalp will be oily too. Alternatively, if your skin is on the dry side then you might need to support your scalp with ingredients that lock in the moisture.

But it’s not always as simple as that. One of the most common hair complaints is an itchy scalp. And the reasons can go beyond diet or scalp care and include:

  • Washing with too hot water – hot water opens the pores in your scalp and washes away natural oils resulting in dryness.
  • Allergic reactions – Many shampoo/ conditioner products contain irritants, such as sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS).
  • Hormonal changes – Menopause can change the condition of the skin, including the scalp, while stress can elevate the levels of cortisol causing inflammation in our body.

Supporting your scalp from the outside

Plant oils are full of nutrients that support the hair follicles and strengthen the scalp. When combined with a scalp massage, the effect is doubled. Massaging not only works the oils into the scalp but also boosts circulation, bringing oxygenated blood to the surface and the scalp-nourishing nutrients along with it.

Sofia Latif’s Scalp Oil combines six seed and herb oils that work to cultivate a healthy scalp.


Moringa seed oil is made up of 40% monounsaturated fatty acids, 70% of which is oleic acid. This makes it very hydrating with the ability to support the skin barrier and nourish a healthy scalp.

Baobab oil stimulates collagen production to improve scalp skin elasticity and helps the body to build keratin (the protein in our hair follicles).

Black seed oil has a high level of antioxidants, which protect the structure of cell membranes, so our scalp and hair stay hydrated.

Hemp oil promotes blood circulation which provides the scalp and skin with the oxygen and nutrients it needs to nourish roots and hair follicles.

Organic rosemary leaf oil improves circulation – studies have shown that it’s as effective as minoxidil (Rogaine) in promoting hair growth in people with androgenetic alopecia.

Fenugreek seed oil has traditionally been used in Indian culture to strengthen roots and follicles of thinning hair.

If you’ve never used a Scalp Oil before, it’s a simple pre-shampoo treatment that can be added to your normal hair care routine. Using a pipette, add a few drops of oil to your scalp and massage the nutrients deep into your skin with the tips of your fingers. Allow the oil to soak into the scalp for 30-minutes before washing your hair with your regular shampoo. You may not need to use a conditioner afterwards.

Sofia’s hair journey

We all know the best recipes are secrets passed down through the generations. The same can be said for Sofia’s Scalp Oil, which is an adaptation of a recipe first given to her by her mum.

Sofia’s hair started thinning about ten years ago in her mid-thirties, when she was volunteering in Uganda. She had no idea why it was happening, but when she got back home, blood tests revealed she had an iron deficiency and perimenopause had also kicked in, both of which can cause hair loss.

“I’ve always aspired to achieve the best skin and hair health for my age, so when my mum suggested I use an oil on my scalp, alongside good nutrition and a stress-managed lifestyle, it was then that I was reminded of the power of plants oils for healthy hair.”

Sofia’s Scalp Oil contains a combination of oils that specifically work to nourish the scalp and just as it continues to support the healthy growth of her hair, so she now offers it to you to help you nourish yours.

SOFIA LATIF™ is award-winning vegan and cruelty free skincare and wellbeing, giving women the confidence to show off their skin, whilst developing a better relationship with it. Find out more about the brand here.


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